What I discovered when I was writing my first book: “the Future is female – leading from the Future as it emerges” was that 4.9 billion people on this planet want a future where female values and qualities like long term thinking and planning based on the competencies to complex and collective intelligence will dominate.
It is our respons-ability to co-create it with all the others. And if you can dream it, you can do it. In this book let’s really explore together how we can empower our selves to have the courage to create change to a holistic and ecological sustainable future. How can we as women and men together find a common path and co-create the Female Future. I am actually worried for all the people on this planet. Not only today, but also for coming generations. Is it really as bad as we are being presented in media? What if it even worse? We mostly hear about the climate change. What we don’t hear so much about is that in couple of hundred years we risk to reach not only petroleum peak but also phosphorus peak. That is when there is no more phosphorous left to produce fertilizer to produce food for the ever-increasing world population. That is when we have harvested so much fish out of the oceans that there is no more reproduction and the oceans re dead because of pollution. Our polution. Plastic, billions of tons of plastic ends up in the oceans and finally ends up in all the maritime life forms causing lethal damages. The garbage, the pollution the poison from the peoples of this earth caused by our increasing demand for wealth: more food, more clothes, the latest in technology, TVs, computers, cars, airports, highways will eventually destroy not only the oceans but also a dramatic decrease in the bio diversity to grow all the food to feed us all.