In the “Less me. More we” Leadership program you will learn:
- Power of we
- Leadership is first and foremost a relation that has to be developed
- Leadership is a choice. Leaders are not special human beings; they are ordinary people with a special respons-ability.
- Organisations run by these principles experiencing clear improvement in earnings, less absence, more satisfied customers and fewer internal conflicts
- We shall pay full attention to strengthening the binding interaction and the social contract between managers and employees as a competitive advantage
- This creates fellowship characterized by trust, equality and dignity.
- Develop together –not separately
- Employee – ship to access the tremendous power of human consciousness available to our organisations
- Personal Mastery
- Personal mastery used to describe a person’s ability to maintain their internal stability at the ego level of existence. Someone who has achieved personal mastery is able to successfully manage their deficiency needs, and has thereby learned how to become viable and independent in the sense that they are self-sufficient, and are not beholden or dependent on others for their survival, relationship and self-esteem needs.
- The learning is how to differentiate between the unmet ego needs and the desires and values of the soul.
- Only when this is internalized and implemented you can call yourself a leader.
In the Evolutionary Coach training you will learn:
- Power of we
- Leadership is first and foremost a relation that has to be developed
- Leadership is a choice. Leaders are not special human beings; they are ordinary people with a special respons-ability.
- Organisations run by these principles experiencing clear improvement in earnings, less absence, more satisfied customers and fewer internal conflicts
- We shall pay full attention to strengthening the binding interaction and the social contract between managers and employees as a competitive advantage
- This creates fellowship characterized by trust, equality and dignity.
- Develop together –not separately
- Employee – ship to access the tremendous power of human consciousness available to our organisations
Channelling your unmet ego needs towards your core values and desires of the soul.
New sets of tools and practices
In the “Less me. More we” Leadership program you will learn:
- Power of we
- Leadership is first and foremost a relation that has to be developed
- Leadership is a choice. Leaders are not special human beings; they are ordinary people with a special respons-ability.
- Organizations run by these principles experiencing clear improvement in earnings, less absence, more satisfied customers and fewer internal conflicts
- Develop a social network amongst all women in the world.
- Create a platform for innovation, entrepreneurship and a new way of thinking that will improve the living standards and rights for women.
- Establish the Female World Progress Index™ (FWPI™) as the leading indicator of gender quality in all countries worldwide.
- Become the de facto standard for gender equality measurement worldwide with gender Equality Country Ranking.
The problem for organisations on transforming themselves to meet the challenges of the twenty first century is that the relational practices, the feminine, disappears and with that the potential of transforming and change with new ideas. Ideas presented by women in meetings are not taken seriously until someone else repeats them. Their meaning is not being credited because of their gender. All what is describes here is why Dialogues with Kings and Queens, a new leadership program, is important for organisations to take a quantum leap into the 3rdMillennium.
- Dialogues with Kings and Queenscreates an awareness to gender unconscious biases, clearing misconceptions, and prepares a solid foundation for gender-attuned individuals, teams, businesses and organizations.
- Dialogues with Kings and Queens is a strategic leadership tool, giving voice to critical communication issues between genders that could affect organizational cohesion and impact a company’s bottom line.
- Dialogues with Kings and Queensemphasises the importance of engaging men as crucial and equal partners in accelerating women’s leadership and diversity at the top, for business and leadership sustainability in the 21st century.
Defining core values, core purpose, BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) envisioning the long term sustainable future, this 3 day workshops make you ready for the transformation towards an Evolutionary Teal conscious team/organisation.
The leadership program “Female Future” is designed to develop and educate future female and male candidates for executive and board positions.
This program deserves special attention as it obligates both, women and men and management. This program is a very effective mixture of workshops, networking and mentoring. Special workshops for senior management as well as joint events with the female talents raise awareness for the benefits of mixed management teams, the partnership model, change the corporate culture and provide the key implementation processes.
Management of the 3rdMillennium requires leadership and ability of strong communication skills, the ability to see the broader picture, needs understanding of others and the ability to empathize needs focus on the team rather than on power games. This is what I mean with the Female Approach and the partnership model. What would your organization look like with an implemented partnership model? What would it be like and what would it feel like to work there?